Thursday, July 23

Thinspo For You Guys

I'm going out of my mind. I can't cook at home, so we have to eat out, and I don't want to eat at all.

I want to be fucking skinny. I think I need some more traffic on my blog, and one of my more popular posts is my THINSPO THINSPO THINSPO post.

So here we go again. I love girls with tits and tattoos and will be a thinspo girl someday.

This last girl, I don't know if her boobs are fake or not, but she's perfect, and thats the body I want.

Monday, July 20

Falling in and Out of Blog

I do this alot dont I? I blog for months. Scrolling away my life. And then I disapear. But I always come back lovelies. <3 p="">
Where to begin. Let's see, after a couple of boyfriends past Matt, I met this guy named Mark.

It was basically love at first sight. We're now engaged. (My ring is fucking amazing)

Let me fill you in on the caveat to this relationship.

So, he was married before, and technically still is (by paper, but not by actions and shit) him and his wife (she beast, Sarah, bitch, crazy hoe, all synonymous) still live together.

Seems fishy right? Well I had to inquire (before we got together so no worries)

Long story short when Mark was in Iraq, so as Sarahs brother (under Mark's command or whatever) and her brother was killed. Sarah (none of her family does, just Sarah) blames Mark. He tried for another year, and she ignored is exsistence.

He's told me stories of her (she microwaved a burrito for 40 minutes because she didn't know the difference between a conventional and microwave oven) or she stole his credit card and bought Louboutins.

When he was in Iraq, she wouldn't send him goodies, or nudes, or any sweet letters. She would send him toothpaste and deoderant. She has called him fat (he's extremly buff, like, seriously this bitch is nuts) for years.

She has never had to take care of herself. Literally doesn't even know how to pay the bills.

She is an idiot. She told him that he was the cause of her eating disorder.

Let's hold up and focus on this for a second.

Sorry bitch, every single god damn person I know with an eating disorder is the sweetest person I know. They would never ever ever tell another person they were fat (to their face if at all) because the NEVER want anyone to feel the pain they're going through. Secondly, I don't believe any of us have blamed anyone else but ourselves for our disorder. Every time he talks about her is a massive trigger for me.

She's pretty. And thin.

And, you would think she's just a spoiled rich bitch right? No. She doesn't come from money (he met her when she was a waitress at a diner, and currently she works at Sports Authority).

She has no school accolades.
She doesn't like cleaning and can't cook.
She hates having sex.
She doesn't want children.

She's described her perfect an as someone who is handsome, rich, and doesn't expect her to work, or raise kids. And apparently have sex. Nice try bitch.

Gotta give it up somewhere.

I dont know. Something in me makes me want to make this bitches life a living hell.

She is terrible to Mark, calls him fat, told him I was a gold digger (I make more money then Mark) and so on.

She actually told him he OWED HER to take care of her.


I fucking hate this bitch.

We're moving into our own place in 12 days, and it's not soon enough. She is trying everything to "win him back" no bitch. NOPE.

I fucking hate her with every fiber of my being.

When she comes up in subject I shake with anger, and then get extremly triggered.

Eating has been hard, I haven't been able to cook in over a year due to not being able to use the kitchen at my house.

So I eat out. Everyday.

I'm fat and I hate it.

I'm so bloated and fat and ugly, I look like a whale.

Once we move into our place it will be so much easier for me to not eat unhealthy, and not eat at all. I never want to eat again.

I hate food, and I hate what it does to me.

I want to be a twig. I don't even care. I want my collarbones and ribs to show, my wrists to pop out dauntingly, and to fit in everything

I hate food.

Sorry for rambeling and being specific in some parts and vague in another. I'm not currently in the mood to celebrate ll the wonderful things going on as of late, and my next post I plan on posting pictures.

I'm back lovelies.

Friday, January 9

I Dont Hate Him

I dont hate Matt for breaking up with me.

I understand why he did it. And I commend his honesty.

I pray that we will meet sometime in the future and continue our lives together.

On another note. I just want to be thin.

A twig.

And I will.

I dont want to eat forever.

Wednesday, January 7

Heart Break. Pt 2

I want to put a fucking stake through my chest.

I never want to feel this pain again.

Oliver deserves more a lose mother who ruined his family.

I never want to feel this pain again.

I just want to slice up my arms and feel myself completly drain of all emotion.

I never want to feel this pain again.

I just want to die.

Heart Break

Matt broke up with me.

and I'm devestated.

He wants to be friends, and he says its not me, it's him. He says hes not mature enough for a relationship.

But I'm broken to pieces.

All I want is him.

Have you ever felt so sad, that you'd rather die then feel that pain? Ever felt so alone that even in a room full of people who love you, you feel desolate?

I just want to die. I want to cut bad.

I've never been a cutter.

I want to starve. I'm fasting for 36 hrs.

I wan to check m yself into a mental institute.

I wanted to do self improvement prompts on here. But right now.

I just want death to consume me.

I've never been worth someones devoted love and effort.  I ruined my relationship with Dale, but he didnt want to put in the effort to work things out.

I just want to be good enough.

Thursday, January 1

Happy New Years

Happy New Years

Keeping to my resolution and got Olivers room spotless. Yet to get the rest of my house clean. Ate about 900 calories, but with my cleaning I have burned plenty of calories.

Thin.Thin. Thin.

Tuesday, December 30


Hi loves.

I keep coming and going.

But I swear the new year is upon us and my blog will live again.

Lose the Weight.
    I WILL be 125 lbs
    Spend more time with Oliver.
Clean Your Fucking House
    Literally just pick something up every five minutes.
Liven Up Your Blog
    Be insightful on something!


Here's my attempt to liven shit up. It's gonna be a long post.

Soooo I guess I'm not sure where to start.

Thing with Matt are confusing and wonderful.

It was my birthday, and as usual, he treated me like an absolute princess. Put more thought into my entire birthday then anyone had in a very long time.

We're offically boyfriend and girlfriend. But not "in a relationship" thats where its confusing.

Like he said the other day "I love how we are, but I know it cant be like this forever"

I dont want to read too much into it, but I feel like that means he doesn't want me forever. Which in conjunction with everything Dale, thats just too much reality for me.

So I just pretend it never happened.

I love his friends, even his ex girlfriend ( a lesbian now haha). But the girl who took his virginity.

I don't know her. I barely know about their relationship. And I hate her. I see pics of them together and I want to rip her out of them. I dont know if its because I cant stand how she broke Matt emotionally, or what. But I hear any mention of her and I have panic attacks.

Matt let me read journals he's been keeping since 2006.

They were very intense. and insightful. And reminded me of my blog.

Of me.

I'm falling hard. Yikes.

He made an entry on 12/27/07 which was my 15th birthday. It just made me feel like we were forever connected.

So in talking to Dale (like I have to unfortunately) Amber (his brothers stupid judgemental bitch wife) is pregnant.

And I hate her too.

Thats all I have to say about that.

Miss Independant by Neyo is currently my theme song.

I just want tattoos.

I just want love.

I just want skinny

So I will.